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Its been a while...

Its been a while since I last posted on here. I just had the thought of coming back on here and writing again. WOW..its been almost a year since I've been back,,I'm really not good at keeping up a blog... Anyways, as you can imagine a lot has happened since then in my world. Where do I start..I feel like I've gained some life experience now..which is a very GOOD thing. But with experience comes pain. And not to bring the mood down, but I've gone through heartbreak and it has left me with an empty hopeless feeling for quite a bit of time. It sucks in the moment but I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. And God would not allow me to walk through this if it wasn't a way for Him to bring me closer into His presence. SO, here are some lessons I feel like God is teaching me through this trial and testing of faith. 1.  Place HOPE in GOD and not in ANYBODY or ANYTHING.  So much of my pain I feel like is from displaced hope in the very earthly r...

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