Its been a while...

Its been a while since I last posted on here. I just had the thought of coming back on here and writing again. WOW..its been almost a year since I've been back,,I'm really not good at keeping up a blog...

Anyways, as you can imagine a lot has happened since then in my world. Where do I start..I feel like I've gained some life experience now..which is a very GOOD thing.

But with experience comes pain. And not to bring the mood down, but I've gone through heartbreak and it has left me with an empty hopeless feeling for quite a bit of time. It sucks in the moment but I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason. And God would not allow me to walk through this if it wasn't a way for Him to bring me closer into His presence. SO, here are some lessons I feel like God is teaching me through this trial and testing of faith.

1.  Place HOPE in GOD and not in ANYBODY or ANYTHING.  So much of my pain I feel like is from displaced hope in the very earthly relationship that wasn't built to last. I had so much hope in that things were gonna work out and that finally my life will turn out like it does in the Disney movies. But boy oh boy , does that give a false sense of security and identity.

2. Don't let your imagination run wild. In other words, don't let your thoughts and feelings get ahead of what's in the present right here and right now. I feel like a lot of times when we get into the dating world, we get so caught up in the word "dating" so much so that we are infatuated by the fact we're "dating." We let the phrase "we're dating" carry more weight than we ought to let it. It can be blinding/burdensome and we can actually miss what God intended a "dating" relationship to look like. And this brings me to my next point...

3. The RIGHT relationship won't distract you from God, it will bring you CLOSER to Him. And this is where I think we sometimes miss the mark. If your conversations with one another don't stem from God's goodness and faithfulness in your lives then it probably isn't meant to be pursued. If he isn't leading and bringing on Godly conversations with you, then that could be an indicator he isn't pursuing God before pursuing a relationship with you. He might seem like the guy for you. You guys might like each other a lot. But if Christ isn't being glorified, then WHO is being magnified?

4. This one is from what my pastor preached on Sunday: Your feelings are often not a good indicator of reality. This was hard for me to process because I thought he loved me as I loved him. But I have no idea what he was thinking. I don't have his mind. I felt excited and in love. But were they just temporary feelings here today and gone maybe in a few months? We must hold fast to our confident trust in Jesus the lover of our souls. When the break-up happened, were my feelings of sadness and empty feeling at the pit of my stomach not real? Of course those feelings aren't discounted. But they will pass..JOY will come.

5. NEVER put your life on pause just because you're dating. Once I was dating, I was kinda in this blissful state..I forgot about what I was passionate about, what I loved, what my dreams and aspirations were. I felt like I had been stopped in my tracks lost in the state of stagnancy...only aware of what life with him would be like .. BUT WE WEREN'T EVEN MARRIED YET. You gotta realize you are your own person. Live your life and serve God whole-heartedly. FIX you eyes on HIM who gave His LIFE for you. Now that's what I call LOVE. PURSUE HIM!! Learn to discover the immeasurable depths of His love for you. We cannot miss out on that!!


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